
Tuesday started off fairly normal. School for the for me.  Who knows what The Hubby had going on....lucky dude still hasn't had to go shrimping.  I'm not sure if he'll ever work again with the way this season is going.  As jealous as I am of all his free time, I do hope he goes shrimping soon.  

Anyhow, in the afternoon, I just wasn't feeling well, so I took some sick time off work.  I couldn't go home, though, as I needed to get Sugar to swim after school. While she was swimming, I walked around the park.  I used to take my girl to this garden for pictures. I haven't done this in years.  It might be time again....I just might.  

We got home, and I started to feel a whole lot worse.  Darn acid reflux.  I hit the bed early, but didn't sleep much for the pain.

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