Pictures & Woodwork.

By PeterB

I'm watching you..... Black-headed Gull.

...........Laras Ridibundus. to give its full name.
     Yes, I know you are all going to say the head is brown which is conspicuous in the summer. It also has as you can see a red bill and red legs.
     I was taking some shots of Port Solent and was going to post a panoramic view of it, but I rather like this Gull which was standing almost next to me as I was sat on a bench. What else could I do but take a shot of him/her. Most obliging in standing there for quite some time.
     It was nice to get out of the garden as I have been busy there for the past few days, planting, weeding and watering. Don't think I need to water again for awhile having had some rain last night.
I am now well behind on commenting on your journals but I will try and catch up.
     I will be in the workshop tomorrow and Sunday to get some more work done on the Stool I am making. Blips to follow tomorrow.

Have a great weekend everyone and take care.

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