
By Chriss

Does this photo

make my arse look fat?
Actually what I mean to ask is does this photo make you feel cold?
After blipping about the joys of a summery spring things have changed.
Mother nature is having mood swings.
It's 3 degrees.
We have had rain & sleety hail showers off & on all day.
There's snow on the hills.
The weather people are talking about 'cold southerly changes' & 'polar blasts'.
I guess that's okay if you're a penguin or a blue whale or a leopard seal.
But if you're people it's Cold with a Capital C.
So the fire is back on.
And you roll out the door with so many layers you look like a whale with excess stores of blubber
And you whine that it's not faaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I doth protest
Bring back the good weather

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