Loch Fyne Food Fair

Today we started at Coever football training at 9am. Coever is a type of training regime that is all fast and all good fun. It is quite a set up with coaches coming from Glasgow for the day. See extra for the pitch layout.

Straight onto Loch Fyne food fair at 12.30 for lunch and a visit to our favourite stall the Skye Bread man.The main shot is of the bread man very busy at his stall.

Also bought some fantastic mutton pies from Glendarual farm, best I have tasted.Another extra today showing the food tent stowed out with people drinking, eating and listening to live music. Great atmosphere.

Back home at 4pm for dinner and to prepare for our early start to Arran Football festival tomorrow. Luckily the ferry there does not take 120 football kids all at one time!

Happy days

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