Breakey Blips

By ElizabethB

Mothers Day

Forget the Hallmark cards and Mothers Day gifts! This is what Mother's Day is all about - my connection and love for each of these funny, frustrating, passionate and wise people. The eldest cut the front grass for me, tbe middle one joined me in the weekly food shopping trip, and the youngest got up in the wintery dark, as I headed out to the early service, to give me a hug.

I did get some unexpected funny and quirky gifts. Leftover packs from the school mothers day stall for the kids who hadn't brought money, and my dinner was deliciously made for me. The dishes and pans were my nightmare though! To be fair, we all ended up pitching in.

I was really dreading today, as a year ago, this was one of the nightmare days, when David's illness was devastatingly inescapable. Time does heal, but now and again the memories jump up and bite me.

Anyhow, we got through Mothers Day this year, and it was a rare, home based slobby day, topped off with introducing Miss C to the first half of "Pride and Predujice". She couldn't believe it when Lizzy rejected Mr Darcy's bizarre marriage proposal!

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