
By rubyjones

Who knew?

I have painted worse still lifes than this when I was at art college.
In fact I knew people who never painted better than this when they
got their degrees in fine art.

But this was painted by my 8 year old niece.
Glad to see she got more than her OCD and (occasional)
shyness from me. Glad that she has creativity, and colour in her soul.
I'm shit at colour. And have no soul.
Isn't life fucking lovely sometimes?

PS. Darling niece. Whatever you do, don't go into into a job
which takes too much from you, because you love it too much.
Take it from your hideous two headed auntie, love your talent,
but love life more.

God. That was a bit depressing wasn't it?
DInnae worry everyone (you care, i know you do) I'm having a lovely if somewhat strange time at the moment.

And I won't hear a word against cults.
Much love you lovely and loving people.

Moonpuppy. X

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