George and Betty....

....reminisced how they once skinny dipped in the River Severn.

I've pretty much written off this weekend doing any serious jobs on the house to allow my back to recover so Claire and I had a nice gentle morning. We popped into Kidderminster to take the excess paint back to B&Q and went into Dunelm for some more cushions. We then went onto to Bewdley to enjoy the fine weather and take in the views of the River, it wasn't as busy as I thought it would be so we treated ourselves to a bit of food and sat on the river bank.

We headed back home and decided the day was far from over and decided to go and see our friends in ClapTrap The Venue. I love the place and Sean gave us a guided tour of behind the scenes and what they have planned to the future. It really is good to see their vision of what they want which all pivots around music and the arts.

Claire and I walked there and back which was a bonus and I really think the walk has done my back some good (fingers crossed I'm not tempting fate).
Mr Bo Hingles

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