
By momcat1

Another warbler

This Am's Mother's Day present from the local birds was a Cape May warbler- never seen before in these parts ! Well , not by me anyway. The odd thing is last year we had yellow warblers, yellow rumped warblers and Nashville warblers in the apples , and blue  winged and chestnut sided warblers up the road. This year there are even more yellows, and I heard the blue winged ( he insists on staying hidden in the bushes) but I haven't seen any of the rest of them. But: I heard 3 separate prairie warblers this Am ,saw the Cape Mays in the neighbors pines ( I heard them in ours a few days ago) and was thrilled with the  Blackburnian warbler in the apple trees a few days ago. I am pretty sure he was just passing through. A completely different set . How odd. Well at least the towhee is back ,and so was the Bobolink. My only regret is I can't afford to buy that whole property so they could continue to nest there . I am sure it will eventually be "developed". 

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