
What a rough night I had last night! I'd felt a bit weird all day, but just before bed I felt a migraine starting, so I took my tablets and went to bed, hoping to sleep it off. But I started feeling sick and ended up having to get back up. I know many people are nauseous with migraine, but it's rare for me. It was 4 AM before I finally was able to go to sleep.

I was meant to be going to my Mum and Dad's today, but rang them and said I'd go tomorrow instead. I have work tonight and it will be just the boss and I, so very hard work for me. I would have maybe rang in sick, so rough do I still feel, but there is no-one to cover my shift.

I had a little walk, hoping some fresh air may help. I took this shot in the park. I got it all wrong, but it is all I have today I'm afraid! I like irises - their petal formation and colours are gorgeous. I know I've nowhere near done it justice!

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