Tilly and Trev

The Tale of Tilly and Trev
Tilly was pink and beautiful.  She was tender and true and she ran nimbly along the tracks between Wolverhampton and Birmingham, smiling sweetly and benignly at everyone she met, everyone who clambered on and off her carriages, and everyone who watched her roll athletically along her tracks.  She really was a beauty.
But Tilly was deeply unhappy inside.  She would smile on the outside, but inside she was hurting.  Terribly.  Unhappily.  Viciously.
How could this be?
Life was cruel to Tilly.  She was tender and true.  But life was cruel.
Tilly was in love.  She longed for love.  She longed with all the longing of her lovely pink body to spend all day and all night with the tram that she met a few times a day on the shining streets of Birmingham.  She longed for Trev to notice her.  To love her.  To run alongside her.
Trev was pink and angry.  He did not want to be pink, but life had been unkind to him and the Gods of the Trams had decreed that he should be pink.  But Trev was a man.  He wanted all the world to know that he was a man tram and he struggled and struggled and struggled with his pinkness.  He knew he had to prove himself in the city and in the garage.  How could he do this?
He decided to show the whole world what he could do.  He knew Tilly liked him.  He could feel it in his wheels as they lined up together by the traffic lights on New Street.  He knew she wanted him.  Wanted him to go in the same direction as her for ever.  But he knew that he could show how much of a man, a man in charge of his own destiny he could be, by persistently going in the opposite direction when she lined up alongside him, and by always running ahead of her, never allowing her to catch up.
He could show everyone who was boss.  He could show everyone that it didn’t make any difference that he was pink.  He was man tram.
Poor Tilly.  Tender and True.  Love unrequited.

Poor Trev. Misguided and arrogant.  Love misplaced.

Monomonday asked for a story today.  I give you Tilly and Trev.
The extras show what I was doing while being Chantler63's bag person in Birmingham today.  A good day.

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