Walking Ms B to the bus every morning has been so fantastic in many ways. Not only does it force us to all get outside together first thing in the morning, but it is so utterly sweet watching B and C walk up the driveway together, quite often ahead of Baby S and me.

And there is just enough time to do a few things before it is time for C to head to school. Here he is heading back to the house with the morning's apple harvest to deliver to school and share with friends. I was delighted when his teacher told me they would be making applesauce sometime this month.

I dropped C at school this morning for the first time by himself...I can't wait to hear all about it. He is so different than Ms B was at this age....so very social and quite talkative.

And off to the airport we go this evening to pick up Nana...what a day!

Report from Mr C...the school day included a walk to observe the neighboring cattle, blackberry picking, numerous art projects, a story read, music played by a guitar, and just plain old fun. He really didn't want to leave and is excited to return tomorrow. I am really looking forward to this year for him.

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