Walk on through the rain

Imagine standing under a cold power shower in front of an open window with a howling gale blowing in , and that's a bit like our walk today.
The plan was to walk another couple of Wainwrights and when we set off it was already raining, and windy.
C and N for some reason declined to join us and very sensibly were planning to go to the mining museum. Smart move.
We got quite a way up towards Hen Comb and the rain was sheeting across the fells horizontally. We finally admitted to ourselves that it wasn't really very pleasant and we actually gave up! I can't remember doing that before!
Our decision was justified we thought when the Fell we were aiming for disappeared behind a huge bank of cloud and mist.
Of course eventually the rain stopped and the sky brightened slightly, I wouldn't say it was sunny exactly. 
Apparently it's been 26c in the south east today the hottest day of the year so far. 
Photo is looking back in the direction of Loweswater, with the slowly improving conditions.

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