We are still having lovely weather and I went for a long walk with my English friend around my neighbourhood this morning. I had a busy day after that and then went to look for the ducks on the river for a blip when I went shopping late this afternoon. There were none to be seen, although plenty of other birds were around, Just as I was leaving i saw what I thought was an enormous duck powering through the water. As I got it focussed in the lens I saw that it was 2 ducks, one on on top of the other duck and ducking pushing its head under water. I assumed it was mating - I had heard that the mating style of a Mallard is rather aggressive. Then I saw on the computer that they were 2 males, so I am not sure if it was loving or loathing behaviour. They both took flight along the river soon after so I was none the wiser, anyway.

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