Selfies from the Brink

By Markus_Hediger


I haven't been out on the streets much since I returned from my trip to the Amazon. I'm still trying to process everything I saw and heard - many images still don't fit into the big picture. I'm spending my time mostly working at home and enjoying my family. Introspection.
Than there are new scandals coming to light on a daily basis that involve our highest federal representatives who supposedly kept bribing and demanding money from big corporations while some of their colleagues and political opponents were already in jail. There are no limits to shamelessness. If there is any truth to that proverb that says that every nation has the government it deserves, we're in big trouble. We need to do some serious self-examination and, to use a biblical word, repent: recognize that we as a people are no better than them up there and then change our ways and stop corrupting ourselves.

But I did summon enough energy to visit Flordeliz's little shop around the corner, where she sells everything from candies to washing powder (besides cigarettes, tools for gardening, and male underwear). This is were we get our homemade cachaça (sugar cane brandy) for our delicious caipirinhas (no, don't worry. I'm not trying to drown my worries in alcohol, nor trying to keep my spirits up with the help of distilled sugar. Just doing some shopping for a little barbecue with friends on Sunday.)

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