Stephen Demonstrates

Two problems one solution:
We found that either of two things occasionally happened the pump. Either the women rested the bucket on the spout or the kids stood on it, causing it to break.
So we now build a little pillar of brick under it, so that the women can rest the bucket on the pillar and so get a rest before lifting on to their heads.
For the women its like magic, because up to this they first lifted on to their bent knees and then the final lift on to their heads. A difficult process and so damaging on the back.
Of course Stephen's demo involves a bucket with no water in it!!

Today's facts:

We went to install a pump in Kadambo, Ekaiweni.
the following are the details;
Village Name; Kadambo 2
GPS details; S 11*24.613, E 033*56.790
Well depth ; 3m
Contact ; Lackson Kanyinji
Contact No; +265881798182
Number of users; 294

The bricks were built after the picture taking!!

The first sign of water!!

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