Juvenile Exposure

By SimonFraser

Never fade away

First day back was a bit of a shock to the system having to get up at 7 o'clock this morning to have a shower which I am too tall for and the water runs out in about 3 minutes so you have to rush. Half the time the water is cold so never enjoyable.
Been fairly hectic today, lots of meetings about UCAS and being in year 13, drama tutorial, swim for an hour and the first Spanish lesson of the year which consisted of playing a game... Honestly 17 years old and playing games on your first lesson back, what has the world come too?
Anyway only one lesson today because I have 11 free periods a week which is a blessing from God!! But don't worry mum I will be revising etc etc.
Auditioning for the school play tomorrow, have a singing lesson, a careers meeting (where they talk about University application and personal statements... All very confusing to me but I am glad that I am in the minority of people who know what they want to do next year) and more swimming training! Oh yes and a meeting about being a tour guide around the school, Buzzing...
Already been set prep so have gotten that out of the way tonight so
have hit the wall of tiredness and going to crash on my bed where the mattress springs are poking out and the bed itself is about 10cm off the floor. God I love boarding!
The photo is the view from my bedroom window, I couldn't fit it in but the dreaded Sherborne Abbey is next to us so the dodging of bells in the morning is already starting to grind my gears.

Hope you have had a great day everyone :)

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