Davy Richards Best Pics

By molly1971

Poor Wee Man..

I had to recite this when I was 10 years old infront of the entire school...

The Sair Finger

You've hurt your finger? Puir wee man! 
Your pinkie? Deary me! 
Noo, juist you haud it that wey till 
I get my specs and see! 

My, so it is - and there's the skelf! 
Noo, dinna greet nae mair. 
See there - my needle's gotten't out! 
I'm sure that wasna sair? 

And noo, to make it hale the morn, 
Put on a wee bit saw, 
And tie a Bonnie hankie roun't 
Noo, there na - rin awa'! 

Your finger sair ana'? Ye rogue, 
You're only lettin' on. 
Weel, weel, then - see noo, there ye are, 
Row'd up the same as John!

by Walter Wingate

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