Brave Blue World

By OlliEcological

My mate and R(yv)ita.

I'm a simple man at heart and this is probably my favourite thing to have for supper (that's supper as in the thing you have before bed, not the poncy bollocks that ubertwat David Cameron and his bastard ilk eat at teatime - bunch of wankers).

Anyway; look at it. Fibre, low GI carb, little bit of (low fat) spread and lovely B vitamins, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin and (important for me as I eat very little red meat) vitamin B12.

A nice cup of summat warm and milky or a herbal infusion (I'm on the wagon for a month or two) and I'll be tiptop for the flight to Mechelen tomorrow where the carbon footprinting of poultry feed training worshop on Thursday will undoubtedly get me back on the hard liquor within minutes inspire me to finally sort a project at work that's been causing me no little stress.

There's lovely. My mate and Rye.

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