Along Came Sylvie

By victoriapg


We piled into the church with minutes to spare. Mummy's zip wasn't zipped up properly, daddy's shirt was wrinkled and Eli had no socks on. But at least I looked good.

We had a great day at our friend's christening. We celebrated in the same place mummy and daddy got married and it's the first they've been there since. Eli loved the Ringmaster entertainment guy and he got his face painted for the first time. He chose an elephant. Afterwards Eli and daddy went to granny and granda's house for a BBQ.

And me and mummy went to the pub with her friends. It's getting kinda embarrassing now that I'm getting older. She's vowed that'll be the last time we go to the pub together. Well until I'm much older. Because of course I'm going to want to hang out with her then and of course she won't cramp my style.

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