
My friend Ann had tickets to a garden tour today. Ann lives down the street from us and her garden would have been on the tour except for the fact that there is no place for people to park nearby and not everybody can handle our hill! The organizers gave her the tickets for taking the time to show the garden to the selection committee.

Eight gardens were on the list but we decided neither one of us had the energy to go to all of them, so we chose the two that were closest to us. Both had better soil and more shade than either of us have . The first one was a typical English cottage garden, with a charming little Air B&B guest house, and the other one featured a large pond and, somewhat incongruously, a beautifully maintained MG in the driveway for us to admire. You can see the owner sitting in the shade keeping an eye on his 'baby'.

I'm doing my homework for seeing 'Hamilton' tomorrow...listening once again to the music...excited.

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