on my weekly trip to Blyth. Started off in the Market Place where this lovely man has recently set up his stall. He said he lives in Bishop Auckland which is miles away. I asked why ? He said because he loves his job, meeting people and the banter. That was my cue to talk his hind legs off ;)  From there we went to the seafront search light battery where they had their usual display set up. Well just as we got there the Heavens opened. I took loads of photos to make a collage. Wrong.They were so feint I couldn't see them.The rain must have got in so I put my tablet on the mantelpiece to dry out. Then I worked out how to download them on my computer.That worked but I don't have a collage maker on here so you are unlucky lucky you wont see them. I will try again tomorrow. Oh Crikey Ive just heard a rumble of Thunder.Best switch off in case I blow myself sky high. Have a Happy Saturday all ;)

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