Skara Brae, Maeshowe - and a blipmeet!

We drove to Skara Brae in the morning and enjoyed looking round the 5000 year old settlement there. It was so bright and sunny that we decided to take a walk along the coast after visiting the House of Skaill, itself full of interesting displays.

It is not possible now to see inside the burial chamber of Maeshowe unless on a guided tour so we booked a place for the afternoon. The guide was excellent.

Next we called for a cup of tea with fellow-blipper EAnnblair who is also here on holiday (we first met in Sicily!) before heading back to Mr C's favourite wild camp at the cliffs at Yesnaby. Maybe we'll be lucky and we'll find some of the famous tiny primula which might be out after a day of sun.

I'm sorry to be so behind with your news and blips but not only is it full-on to make the most of our time here, but also I'm having to use my phone which is not always cooperating.

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