
After five hours sleep last night I wasn't feeling all that energetic this morning but I'd arranged to do the Little Lumpy bike ride in Haslemere with Kyla and Yo so thought I'd better go through with it. We met at 7.30am to register and signed up for the 19 mile route. We saw one of our GP colleagues who was doing the 100 mile route but none of us was envious of that! Last time we did the Lumpy, a couple of years ago, we did the 32 mile route and, as all the routes do, it ends with two nasty hills: the seemingly never ending Blackdown and the shorter-but-steep Woolmer Hill. Last time our GP colleague overtook me as I walked up the final quarter of Blackdown, my legs having let me down on a steep bit. This time we didn't see him at all on the route and so he missed me making it ALL THE WAY UP! I'm so proud of myself. Woolmer Hill was going okay until I needed to stop and unclipped the wrong pedal and fell onto the pavement on top of my bike. Idiot. A grazed leg and elbow but otherwise okay, fortunately.

Oh, and as we were going through Lurgashall we came across a lost puppy called Seymour. We managed to get hold of his owner who came and took him home. All in a day's cycling (and not the first time we've reunited a canine with its owner on a bike ride; probably not the last either).

Anyway, it was a good way to start the day although I've been quite tired for the rest of it. Mr DawnAgain took us out for a drive this afternoon and we came across some Egyptian goslings resting in the shade.

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