Tree Hugger

Spotted this in the woods.  A hand reaching round the trunk ?

I reckon its Chicken of the Woods fungus.

Out of bed early ( this is a rare event for me) and 6:30am on patch Shire Hill Glossop to Doctors gate path ( Shelf Benches on Bleaklow ).  The weather was overcast  I never saw any sunlight until OI go back in the house.
1st Highlight Cuckoo calling non-stop on the North East corner.of Shire Hill then  Swallow, House Martin, Sand Martin. The real treats Wheatear (F) , a flyfast and then seen feeding Male Ring Ouzel. Couldn't be happier turned for home but heard a contact call and walked back 50 yards and yes a superb Male Whinchat.  The final bonus a Spotted Flycatcher at the farm.   Sand Martin photo as an Extra

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