Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Sunday 21st May 2017 19:50

Sunrise – 06:10   Sunset – 20:34   Moon day 25
08:44   11:55
20:34   20:48

Name-days are a brilliant idea! Instead of having to remember that this friend George has his birthday on 4th Dec and that friend George has his birthday on 6th March, all you have to remember is that all Georges celebrate St George's day as though it were a birthday, so it's 23rd April for all of them unless Easter is late (moveable feast!) You don't need to keep track of individual birthdays because it's all there for you in your almanac; sunrise; sunset; moon phase; relevant saints; absolutely anything you need to know as a member of Greek society. Today, 21st May, is the name day for both Kostas (Constantine) and Eleni (Helen) – probably the two most popular names used in Greece. Anyone with either of these two names will have been feasting with family at lunchtime and possibly out socialising with friends in the evening. People with less popular names like 'Tivoli' might celebrate quietly alone at less-fun times of the year, like February perhaps ;-)

The day began nicely, then it became windy throughout the afternoon, and finally we had some rain :-) Lovely!

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