Susan i Oslo

By susanioslo

A wonderful surprise :-)

Today - at work - I got a phone call and I could see it was from Germany....who could it be??

I was an exchange student in a small German town when I was 18 years old, and this woman here was my first host mom and the man here was my host brother...the cutie is R´s very very sweet son :-) .....25 years ago! I have seen them since, but it has been at least a few years since I have been down to visit.

Today, they were in Oslo...they are doing a one week Scandinavian cruise and had the day here. Luckily I was able to get out of work early and run downtown, where I got to spend some time with them before they had to get back on the boat. It was so nice to see them. I like how sometimes we can see the connections in our lives and it becomes more obvious how we ended up where we did and how even the most coincidental happenings sometimes change everything. Lovely! Seeing them made my day!

So now the boys and I actually have an evening without football and I think we are going to have to celebrate with some sushi and a film :-)

Have a great night all!

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