More IR today...

I had  a trip out to Saumarez Park this morning and it was just ideal for IR photography.

Tomorrow I may just stick around town and try out photographing other things with the IR camera. I wonder how that will go.

My friend was surprised to find that when she went to take her earrings out on Saturday evening she had both of them in one ear and not a soul had said a word. So we wondered whether people generally do notice but are too polite to say anything, simply don't notice or just think nothing of it. My money's on "think nothing of it" because I often wear two different earrings going back to 2008 when I bought a fantastic "pair" of earrings from a craft market in Ushuaia; only the pair consisted of one earring. To be fair there was only single earring hung up on the stands but I just assumed... I did ask whether there were two of them but since the man spoke no English and I spoke no Spanish we clearly didn't understand each other. I didn't think to check the box at the time; in fact I didn't look until I was back home. It wasn't expensive but it is lovely so I simply paired it up with a single dream catcher whose partner had been lost and I've worn them regularly ever since. But I think I'm so eccentric anyway that there is little chance of anybody noticing or if they do they'd assume it was deliberate. Sure enough no reaction today. So I'll wear then for a week along with my week of IR photography.
So far one friend who also took the challenge says two people commented this morning but the other two also have had no reaction.

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