Back of Bank

This is the back of the Bank of Scotland in Sauchiehall Street. I like this building. The inside is rather nice with decorative plasterwork and there is carving on the facade - even the 'Bank of Scotland' name is rather pleasing. For these reasons I grace this branch with my custom. The staff are friendly and accommodating too.

But today the sun was shining on the back wall and the blue window and I liked the shapes. It's at right angle to this

I'm still not feeling great. I've developed a cough that makes me sound like a heavy smoker. I've been back to work though because I'm not that ill, and also my job share partner (that sounds a bit odd - colleague? co-conspirator? other half?) is on a secondment so a huge amount of work has piled up. Then circumstances have conspired against me actually doing it this week with unexpected meetings cropping up. Anyway, I'm not getting round to commenting very much... but don't worry, I'm still watching you. Muuuhahahahahahaa!

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