
By DavzoBroon

Don't Mess With Me

After one very busy day at work today, got home and after my tea had some work to do in the house putting a new bed up in Euan's room and getting some of the old furniture out the back and ready to be lifted by the bin men tomorrow.

It was 7 pm before I got out for my blip tonight. The sky was amazing as I drove up to the Moorfoots, that's a range hills to the south of where I stay. Took a lot of great sunsets over the hills and some good tree and sky shots but as I did a sunset last night I decided to blip this fine looking sheep.

It was looking at me giving me plenty of attitude, I was impressed with the size of its horns and was quite glad there was a fence and dry stone dyke between us. I'm sure I was cramping its style standing there pointing my camera towards it.

The sheep looks so dignified up on that wee hill but I think the message is clear, don't mess with me.

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