To Lancashire and back

At the top of the hill in the distance, I was quite excited to have my team cars catching up with me as I put away my camera - a white lotus, followed by two in lime green, with a yellow one bringing up the rear.  They forgot to stop but I didn't mind.  

I'd been up Lothersdale already (although I don't think it was the hardest way) and knew this hill wasn't as big but it does have a bit of a name for itself and my legs were tiring.  However, only a short distance before this, I found a little owl on a fence post in front of my nose which hopped along with me for a while until it settled in a hawthorn tree.  This being closely followed by a hare running down the road ahead, and it all felt like a good omen.

So, off I went to the bottom of the hill to start the climb - and, at my steady slow pace, it all went to plan.  The descent into Clitheroe was amazing (although I didn't get another glimpse of my support cars.)

I've been surprisingly impressed with the route - true, the weather has been astonishing, but the countryside and views have been spectacular.  I thoroughly enjoyed a lovely cafe back in the countryside which served up a delicious cheesy baked potato and by Bolton Abbey, I managed to demolish a cheese toastie too!

Figured I'd better burn it off over the Cow & Calf.
Sadly, I was home in time to cook tea.  
Ready for a second one now.

My knees are a little grungy but this is the kind of ride I've been hoping to do again post-back probs (there was always a little worry there).  Feeling very, very lucky.

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