I wish I'd taken a photo of peggo mowing the grass...she was so delighted to be doing it...just shows you how rare it is in our family that we sort the garden. this is beth doing the 'lean against the wall then raise your arm' thing. it works, and it's weird.

I went for a last 3.2 mile run in the blazing sun this morning...and that was before it got really hot. it was affa sweaty and I'm glad to see the forecast says it will cool down for sunday. I'll need to keep an eye on it though. I struggle in the heat, so would just have to take it very slow and drink loads.

today was the first day I didn't really know what to do with myself since I finished the anchor. after work in the morning, I did a bit of weeding then read a running magazine, paced around, then went to the shops with daisy. too nervy about sunday...and then I read the comments on the marathon facebook page and everyone is feeling exactly the same as me....

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