
By Rafstar99

Spa day

It was the first ever spa day for me, so I was pretty excited for it (I had no idea what to expect!)
I went with my mum, my sister Kiera, and my sister Jodie.I just love the idea of going somewhere and being pampered all day!
We went to Eden Hall spa, in Newark. About a 40 minute drive from where we live. We set off at 9am.
It was a beautiful location to have a spa. It was a beautiful mansion in the meadows of Newark. It sort of reminded me of being on holiday. Unfortunately, it was situated quite close to a main road, but I could block out that noise. There were lots of birds tweeting, which added to the serenity.
It was an all-day spa so lunch/dinner was provided. It was a buffet of salady foods.
The spa had everything! It had a jacuzzi (quite a few actually). It also had showers that were meant to feel like you were in a tropical rainforest! And they also had a gigantic sleeping room. I normally can't sleep during the daytime but all four of us dozed off. It was very peaceful and pleasant (blooming sweltering though!)

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