
By HellsBells

Homeward bound

We had to vacate our cabins by 8am and were allowed to disembark at 8.50am, they do a timed disembarkation to avoid a stampede! So we sat on the coach and waited another hour for a daft lady who thought someone was collecting her from her waiting point.................. So through traffic we went and bad weather. Finally getting home at 8pm. and now for the washing and unpacking....................

Most of my entries over the past 2 weeks have been back blipped due to technical difficulties (old iPod touch) and expensive internet connection at sea ($49 per day) and it was really slow. However, I have taken lots of photos and posted them against the day they were taken, so hope that works out ok. I'm looking forward to looking at what blips I've been missing and will get round to commenting soon. It's good to be back.

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