Sprout lover

By robharris35


These cows inhabit Cambridge's commons, and are unfazed by people going about their business very close to them. When I say going about their business, based on what I've seen of Beer Festival revellers, this extends to goading resting cows late at night.

Apart from the occasional danger of being turned into organic burgers, living life as one of these cows can seem appealing. Definitely less angst-ridden.

Today we had sobering conversations about society and the economy following those well parodied articles about millennials in both the UK and Australia carping about not being on the property ladder yet being accused of squandering cash by brunching on smashed avocado and sourdough toast. Millennials argue that they could save avocado money and afford to buy a flat in about 300 years. Those who've been through the property buying process argue that belts need to be tightened and brunching is a luxury.

There is certainly something in the nature of socialising changing in that now it's standard to pay £10 for avocado plus coffee whereas in the 70s you would huddle with friends over half a stout (example from the mother). And housing costs as a proportion of salary do seem to be out of kilter when comparing what different generations have faced. You could argue that globalisation has caused young people now to have a number of lazy expectations about what life should provide for them, that people are increasingly living an impatient instant gratification existence and that the reason why it feels like services are crumbling and things are unaffordable is not all down to Tory policy but that lots of the country's immense wealth that is continually created is locked up in the assets of baby-boomers.

We didn't reach many conclusions. Just looked enviously at the cows. Then squandered money on ice cream.

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