A Ramblers Tale

By ramblerstale

I'm trying so hard mommy

I had a shitty shitty day. One of the worst days I think I have had in China. I woke up and my eye is swollen, no worries there until the kids in my classroom decided to make it worse. All the things we had been working on and it looked as if they had mastered fell apart around thier parents tonight and well quite honestly I was embarressed and felt like a shitty teacher.

Now at the end of the day my eye is no better, it was a horrible day and my kiddos made it worse. My dog made it somehow a bit better. I came home and took her for a short walk (Its been raining really bad here and my golden retriever hates rain falling on her.) and she started jumping up and down in excitement that she was out. So we had fun for a minute and I handed her the end of her leash she decided it was the best thing ever and ran down the hallway to the elevator , then sat nicely in the elevator. When we reached my floor I handed it to her the end of my leash again, and she ran down the hallway slightly in front of me her tail high in the air happy as she could be and incredibly proud of herself that she could 'walk herself'. It made me smile. then she has a bad habit of finding my socks and attempting to eat them and play with them. Tonight ( I couldn't quite catch it) but she had a sock in her mouth and her toy in her mouth which she handed to me and then proceeded to prance around trying to get her toy. She tried so hard to make me smile tonight and it worked. Shes a great dog, and honestly after the day I had I needed her to come home to and make me smile.

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