
I did a bit of work this morning, while enjoying coffee and poached eggs at Rosie Posie's in Chorley, where I was joined for a while by my excellent chum, Dom. Amongst other things, we discussed my unwritten novel, which, I am coming to accept, will never see the light of day.

Part of the reason I gave for this was "the Importance Trap", which I read about recently (here). I expect anyone who procrastinates will recognise this aspect of not getting things done. Dom's suggestion to counter this was that as well as tracking my weight at the foot of my blog, I should also track how many words I've written for my novel each day. This idea scared me so much that I think he must be onto something. 

Once I'd finished my work, I walked down to the station at Euxton and took the train across to Liverpool, with the express intention of celebrating Simon's birthday (which was yesterday). He was having a slightly more hectic day than he wanted, today, and was running late, but that was OK as it gave me the chance to sit the Philharmonic and have a read and listen to this week's #electronicears playlist while I waited with a glass of Prosecco.

The birthday boy did arrive in due course and we enjoyed a few drinks and some first rate conversation at the Pen Factory with Bob before we all headed off for a very enjoyable curry. The evening was nearly marred when I feel half asleep on the train home. As a song finished I opened my eyes to select something else to play, only to see a text from the Minx saying "Get off the train!". I managed in the nick of time. Thank heavens the train had been no apparent hurry to leave the station!

No words written (Not sure how I feel about this!)

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