Defining The Moment - Peace After The Storm

This is the final mono challenge set by SkiMe.  He has made us really think about our photography, and I have not always risen to the challenge.  This week, however, I seemed in tune with his thinking.  He suggested taking care with the shot, deciding what you want from it, how you are going to approach it.and to stay in the moment.  So here goes.
I went out into the garden after a heavy downpour and was looking at all the raindrops on the leaves, thinking of how I could do them justice, when I happened to look up into the Magnolia tree and spotted a Camellia flower which had grown through the leaves.  I stood for a moment breathing in the fresh clean air, as the whole garden seemed to have been washed clean,  I decided this was a moment to be defined, peace after the storm.  So I took the shot from underneath the flower, looking up into the uniform grey of the sky.  The leaves of the Magnolia formed a frame.
Thank you to SkiMe for helping me to think more clearly about what the photograph means, rather than just taking it as a pretty picture.
This also ties in perfectly with what Emma has been teaching in the past few weeks on AYWMC, so thank you to both of you.

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