Swooping Swallows

Best thing that happened today is that a couple of our oldest and best friends have booked to come see us - on Thursday! I needed something to look forward to... Our son flies to India tonight, seems unreasonable to feel I'll miss him, but it's the truth.

Went to a funeral today - the mother of our future (hopefully) neighbour, died yesterday. Well, we didn't go into the chapel they use for funerals, but stood outside with more than 75 others, mostly men. When all the women came out, and close family, the coffin was loaded onto the hearse, and we all followed it up the road to the cemetery, where again we, like many others, didn't actually go in, but stood around respectfully chatting. No food is served and no eulogy is given, but I was impressed that around 200 folk turned out to honour one of their elderly.

As we stood in the street chatting to the owner of the Land, the swallows were doing their evening swooping and chattering. We go again to the notary office in Reguengos in the morning - progress is - slooowly - being made.

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