Pond life

Horrendous day on the work front, for a number of reasons: volume of post = great (and I don't mean good!); heat = mafting (and that is a real word where I come from!); goodwill = exploited; breaks = none!

I was up at 5am to make the hour plus journey to work, and I was at work and working shortly after 7am - earlier than I should have been. I worked flat out until just before 6pm, with just 20 minutes to grab a drink at 3pm. I won't get paid for all of those hours, but someone else will get paid for more hours than I do, despite me doing some of his work for him. I'm particularly cheesed off because it's happened twice this week in half term, and I have hardly seen my children. Anyway, Noo had a great day with his Nanna, and the two of them ticked some jobs of their list. One of the jobs was to cleanse the pond with charcoal (apparently it works well?!) We weren't sure what these creatures were..

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