A Touch of Colour

Another grey day, not a sign of the sun at all.  I was eyeing up this scene, when my friend came along on her bike.  I suggested that a bike in the photo would add interest, so she was my willing model.  Am pleased with my Activity today, 9578 steps which is 6.3 k's.  I also got all my housework done.

This is blip No. 1921

Year 1921

The first airmail service began in 1921.  It left Christchurch, bound for Ashburton and Timaru.  It proved unprofitable, so was soon discontinued.

ANZAC Day became a holiday.  It was observed as a full day public holiday on the 25th April 1921.

Economic recession hits.  Unemployment soared, industrial unrest mounted, and the Government of the day responded by slashing State spending, cutting public servants wages by 10%.  Among the worst affected by the recession were discharged soldiers recently settled on farms, many whom were struggling with large debts, reduced income and often on marginal land.

In November the first radio programmes were broadcast from Dunedin, including voice and music, as well as gramophone recordings.  The broadcasts were heard as far away as Auckland.

Weekly flag saluting ceremonies were made compulsory in public schools.

The Otago Central Railway between Dunedin and Cromwell was completed in 1921.  After 59 years the line from Clyde to Cromwell was closed in 1980 to make way for the Clyde Hydroelectric Dam.. Middlemarch to Clyde was closed in 2000, then it became a very popular rail trail, used by both walkers and cyclists.  I have walked most of the rail trail, starting where the railway lines finish in Middlemarch (Extra 1)   (Photo taken of me in 1995). We walked 30 k's that day!!!  Extra No 2 is Pukerangi, which is where the railway lines now finish.  Extra No. 3, is the train leaving the Wingatui Viaduct., which is still in use today.
Famous NZers.  
Robert Muldoon, Past Prime Minister
Brian Talboys  past Politician
Bob Owens, Politician, and past Mayor of Tauranga

Famous people born in 1921

Prince Philip, Royalty.  Born in Greece, and is about to turn 96.
Nancy Regan, Political Wife  :  John Glen, Astronaut  :  Charles Bronson, Movie Actor  :  Sugar Ray Robinson, Boxer  :  Deborah Kerr, Movie Actress  :  Peter Ustinov, Movie Actor.

Another Friday, so another weekend.  I hope yours is a good one.

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