cloud heart... the sky

i couldn't believe my own eyes - i was taking photos of something else entirely - when i felt this nudge to glance up - i did - and there, high in the sky - amidst the clouds was a heart - having broken through the fluffy white stuff

what are the odds of that occurring? - it's so very random - i am always looking for hearts in nature - but usually i am focusing on things grounded - flowers, insects, plants, bushes, trees - those kinds of things - i have thought about the possibility of a 'heart cloud' happening however - figured the odds were so remote i barely gave it a 2nd thought - then that nudge came today

i am not one to believe in coincidences - i believe there is a reason for all things - in this instance, i believe it was abba father giving me that nudge - so i would glance up - then know it was Him who was thinking of me - wanting to embrace me with a love heart for the day - so i am passing it on to you so you can enjoy - a special moment, a heart moment which always leads to...


happy day.....

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