Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Channeling Theophrastus

There is a statue of Theophrastus in the Palermo Botanical Gardens. He is considered by some to be the father of botany for his treatise History Plantarum

Gardening has a long, loving and usually noble lineage (although the hanging gardens of Babylon were built by slaves, so we need to be aware that it ain't necessarily so). The older I get the more I appreciate the therapeutic benefit of a beautiful backyard. 

The vegan journey continues. So far so good. I did feel a bit tired today - the jet lag scored an equaliser during the afternoon but I feel a bit more invigorated tonight so lets say I scored the winner in extra time and am in a fit state to go back to work tomorrow.

Saddened by last night's London events, particularly as Borough Market is a favourite of ours and we have spent many days there browsing the stalls, including recently with our family from Australia in April. In sharp contrast to the peace we have made outside our back door.

One of Doris Lessing's novels - I think it was Memoirs of a Survivor - ends (in a post apocalyptic world) with the suggestion that there is no more peaceful and noble profession than that of gardener ... difficult to disagree with ...

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