
A marathon of a day; first breakfast at P's, where my brother and nephew joined us, then a drive up to Towcester to call in on my cousins G and E. E had been in hospital last time we'd passed through, but was looking extremely well today. And she served us up a substantial lunch! We couldn't hang about though, having another 350 miles or so to cover. Trundled up the country stopping a few times to swap driving, and at Tebay to have something to eat and admire the rookery alongside the car park. Going by the racket it must be densely populated, but there were only ever one or two of them visible. Home eventually. Gosh, we were tired.

And it was poor DaveH's birthday - I think he's probably had more enjoyable ones, but I really appreciated his help with the driving. And his company, natch!!

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