The Gazweasel Times

By gazweasel

Friday Bottom #11

This is the rear view of the Venus of Lespugue. The tiny figurine (she's only 6" tall) was discovered by by René de Saint-Périer in 1922 in a cave at the foothills of the Pyrenees. She was carved 24,000 - 26,000 years ago and indicates that the cultural advancement of palaeolithic peoples have been substantially underestimated.

I didn't see her in the V&A because she lives in the Musée de l'Homme, in Paris. Not that I saw her there either - the museum is closed until 2014 while being renovated. This is a replica we picked up when we visited the Lascaux cave earlier this year. She now sits in, what we call, our Lares Hole - Lares being Roman household gods and Hole being a hollow niche in a wall.

And yes, I didn't go to work today as planned. I have somehow lost my security pass. Looking for it this morning made me miss my train. Needless to say, I've spent most of the day moving more bookcases into my office. But I promised a bottom and I bottom I have delivered.

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