
By Hillyblips


Back to the river today to see what was happening down by the water. Sunshine and showers had been forecast and it was overcast, a bit gloomy (I sound like Eeyore) with not a soul in sight for miles! I got some nice duck shots and a Comma but nothing I felt inspired by.

I know you shouldn't interfere but after pursuing and chasing this male Banded Demoiselle as it flitted over the riverbank for twenty minutes or more waiting for it to settle, it flew slap bang into a spider's web, with a humungus occupant sitting waiting! I am pretty fond of damselflies and really loath spiders so it was a no brainer - I dived in to the rescue. The spider was on him like lightening and quick tho' I was, it was all too late - he'd taken a fatal bite while I paid the price with nettle stings!!

A pretty gross ending but that's nature for you!

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