Friday Foto

By drmackem

Sonny Flying

Blip inform me I’ve reached 1460, though I’ve limped a bit to this milestone of late, (another season in life beckons in July!).
As ever I’m grateful for this community of kind, bright, funny, generous, open minded and open hearted people who post their photos and words and leave much more than that.
Today is memorable for more than blip and milestones I’ve stuttered into, we wake to more atrocities, this time in London.
Again I’m struck by courage and kindness on the streets. Oh and that concert led by Ariana Grande (admit it who of us knew she existed 2 weeks ago?), whilst I’m not imagining I’m going to become a fan of her music, her courage last night, her ability to bring her art, and to manage all of that on such high heels – you rocked it! – thank you!
Maybe it’s the need to notice the wonderfulness of life that feeds this community on blip more than just the act of posting a photo. For that, thank you.
Today we have a picture of Sonny, who can be handful, but does his best to love life to the full and manages pretty much every day, however I feel ,to make me laugh or smile.
Sonny keep believing you can fly for the rest of us.

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