If you can't beat them...

By Jerra


A really rubbish shot, but then it has been a really rubbish day weather wise.  I was reduced to taking shots of wet bird in the rain photographed through the living room window.

I chose this one (perhaps even more rubbish than some) because Starlings are only just starting to visit our garden (about one bird and one visit a week).  The shot also shows two other interesting characteristics of Starlings.

When in breeding condition with the yellow beak they are easily sexed.  This is a male, you can tell by the blue ish colour at the base of the bill.  No I am not joking blue on males and pinkish orange on females.

The other interesting point is the wide open beak.  Most birds see their food and only open the beak sufficiently wide to pick up what is needed.  Starlings however spend a lot of time probing grassland.  As a result they have evolved a technique where they stab the beak down and open it wide to spread the sward making it easier to spot any food they have exposed.

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