Tootsie in the rain.

Dear Diary,

It is still pouring rain.  It has been since Sunday.  It is a dreary world this morning.  I saw Tootsie out in the field standing in the Fairy Circle, just standing there in the rain.  I walked away and fed Emerson his breakfast and when I looked again she was still there, just standing.  I watched for several minutes more and then got my camera.  It was so unusual.

This circle will be all yellow flowers in a week or so and I call it the fairy circle.  The bloom usually corresponds to the summer Solstice, when the fairies come out but today it was just a large brown wild turkey in the middle of it.  She wasn't eating, looking for bugs on the ground, she was just standing in the rain.  Most peculiar.

So that's it for today, a soggy turkey in the rain.  I am not making the progress I should be with the medication and it is very discouraging.  At least I can still find something to wonder at even if it is only a soggy turkey in the rain and I guess that is a good thing.

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