Happy Birthday Sweet Alfie Boo Boos! x

What a day he's had!  We went into Hamburg and straight to the pet shop for his present - a new collar (see extras).  It's black, studded with silver (coloured!) balls and the initials BB (for the company that made it).  We have decided that BB fits perfectly as one of Alfred's names is 'Boo Boos'.  It also stands for 'Beautiful Border' and of course 'Birthday Boy'! Then we boarded a boat for a tour of the Alster lake - which was lovely.  We had the best seats in the sun.  Then we went for lunch in the French Crepe restaurant, where we ate outside on their pontoon garden and Mr K accidentally dropped Alfred's special packed lunch into the canal...  Don't worry, Alfs had already had some and Mr K bought him a big steak for tonight to make up for it!

After lunch we left Hamburg and headed to the countryside for a round of the Animal Park where Mr K had arranged for Alfred's name to be up on their welcome board as today's 'birthday boy' honoured visitor.  :-)

Now we're back home and Alfred's steak is slowly cooking, and he's looking forward to getting his teeth into it, before the last walk of the day and heading happily to bed.

I think we've given him good time! 

Alfred - we love you! Happy, Happy Birthday... xxx

Woof, yes, but the steak, the steak... C'mon will ya! Woof!
Alfred :-)

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