Not liver mum...

Nursery again - Melody was the least upset she's been.. Still cried tho.. They said she grizzled a bit b4 lunch as she was hungry but fine since :)
At work my dep has been signed off sick so I'm getting an agency as I need to get on top of issues and not keep getting operational - it's been agreed so all good
Collected melody, lovely to see her, home to play and had a joint bath - today I was engorged for the first time since she's been at nursery so dunno if she's feeding a lot lately?
Melody had liver for dinner with mash peas and gravy - mike likes it (just)!but I hate it - but as it's a superfood I'd like melody to like it - she ate loads of mash and peas and only few bites of liver - but she didn't hate it - made loads to make liver pate , which might be a gentler version!

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